About The Slice – Pickleball


Mike Pickleball Slice

Hey! I'm Mike Romaine.

I'm a digital marketer and owner of SuperheroJacked.com which mixes fitness with nerd and pop culture, and I'm also an avid Pickleball player.

In terms of sports I am an ex-baseball player who dabbled in a bit of everything growing up and then turned into a weight lifting personal trainer looking to achieve and help others achieve the their ultimate physique and lifestyle.

I've helped millions of people around the world level up their lives with workouts and diets, and now The Slice is here to help people find the most inclusive sport in the world.

When I'm not working on The Slice or Superhero Jacked or playing Pickleball I'm also a bibliophile that was originally going to school to become an English teacher, a caffeine addict and PC gamer.

At The Slice you'll find all things pickleball, including pickleball paddle reviews, beginner guides, news and updates, and so much more.

On top of that I have a bonus mission to help spread pickleball to people who may otherwise not find it, help people who are struggling to get active, and use the fastest growing, most inclusive sport to help people continue to level up their lives in ways they otherwise may have never been able to.


One of the biggest things I'm asked when discussing paddles (other than my preferred paddles, of course) and all things pickleball, is the gear I'm consistently bringing along in my bag.

Take The Pickleball Paddle Quiz To Find The Perfect Paddle For Your Style!
