With the incredible response pickleball has been having the last couple of years, it kind of feels like everyone wants to have their own podcast and/or become a pickleball influencer.
Resembling the fitness craze, or even the CrossFit crave, pickleball has exploded and every day a new podcast, YouTube channel and a dozen influencers pop up.
And, with the pickleball bug comes the pickleball addiction that turns into consuming ALL things pickleball, so I've gone ahead and compiled a list of the top ten pickleball podcasts to save you the time of having to hunt down shows and go in guessing.
These top ten pickleball podcasts will be based on a handful of categories, which I'll discuss below each of them, but we're shooting for fun, knowledgeable (having a pro on the show is going to be...well...a pro), fast paced, and all around entertaining.
I'll also be keeping this one updated and continue adding or replacing from our original top ten pickleball podcasts list, and I'll have a runner up section to make sure we don't lose out on other great options for you guys to comb through.
If I'm missing any incredible pickleball podcasts please don't hesitate to comment below and let me know so I can check them out and add them to the list!
The Top Ten Pickleball Podcasts

The Top Ten Pickleball Podcasts
Number One: PicklePod Podcast
General Structure: Two Co-Hosts and One Guest Interview
Hosts: Zane Navratil and Thomas Shields
Duration: 45-90 Minutes (Usually 60-70)
Pro Pickleball Player Host(s): Yes
Where To Find It: YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Coming in at number one among our top ten pickleball podcasts is The PicklePod Podcast with Zane Navratil and Thomas Shields.
Zane, a top ranked pro player in both men's doubles, mixed doubles, and singles and Thomas Shields, your man for all things pickleball at The Dink - are the perfect combination of professionalism, entertainment, knowledgeable guests, and a whole load of fun.
The two of them vibe extremely well and you'll immediately feel invited into their awesome topics and banter.

The Top Ten Pickleball Podcasts
*BONUS Number Two*: King Of The Court
General Structure: Two Co-Hosts and One Guest Interview (Usually)
Hosts: Tyler Loong and Jimmy Miller
Duration: 60-90 Minutes
Pro Pickleball Player Host(s): Yes
Where To Find It: YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify
I mentioned the fact that I'd be continuously updating this list as new podcasts come out, and the first new addition to the list, coming in as a bonus number two among our top pickleball podcasts, is The King Of The Court Podcast.
Tyler Loong and Jimmy Miller immediately made waves in the pickleball world with this podcast, coming out with their first episode without holding anything back.
And, not holding anything back is actually Jimmy Miller's specialty as he gathers all the dirt in the industry, like he's Varys AKA the Spider from Game Of Thrones, and then comes on the podcast and shares it with all of us.
Loong and Miller riff off each other perfectly with Loong reeling Jimmy back in when he starts getting a bit too crazy (or exaggerating), and Jimmy gives the podcast the edge over the rest by letting his and Tyler's fun personalities shine.

The Top Ten Pickleball Podcasts
Number Two: It Feels Right
General Structure: Two Co-Hosts and One Guest Interview
Hosts: Rob Nunnery and Adam Stone
Duration: 30-90 Minutes (Usually 45-70)
Pro Pickleball Player Host(s): Yes
Where To Find It: YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Coming in at number two among our top ten pickleball podcasts is another one from The Dink: It Feels Right.
This time, instead of Zane and Thomas you get Rob Nunnery and Adam Stone interviewing and discussing awesome topics with pros and other people in the pickleball world.
In a similar structure to Zane and Shield's PicklePod (when it comes to interview style) you have two incredible players who know a ton about the sport, with Nunnery still playing at an extremely high level, and a great fun vibe coming throughout the show as well.

The Top Ten Pickleball Podcasts
Number Three: Pickleball Studio
General Structure: Two Co-Hosts (and sometimes a guest)
Hosts: Chris Olson and Will Chaing
Duration: 30-120 Minutes (Usually 60ish)
Pro Pickleball Player Host(s): No
Where To Find It: YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Our third show among our top ten pickleball podcasts is one that isn't hosted by a pro pickleball player (or players), which is the only one that is in the top five without a pro host, but Chris Olson and Will Chaing are just too much fun to not deserve the top three.
Not only do they bring a lot of energy and fun to the show, but they still have a ton of knowledge and a lot of content.
It's fun to hear their perspective on the sport, and I think it's good to have a show without a pro sometimes to have that other perspective from some awesome players that are so involved with the sport without being a pro player.
The guys at Pickleball Studio are sometimes very paddle-centric, but they still make sure to hit all the big topics in the pickleball world.

The Top Ten Pickleball Podcasts
Number Four: The Drop
General Structure: Two Co-Hosts
Hosts: Anna Bright and Dylan Frazier
Duration: 30-60 Minutes (Usually 45-60ish)
Pro Pickleball Player Host(s): Yes
Where To Find It: YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Coming in at number four among our top ten pickleball podcasts is a fairly new podcast (at the time of writing this article) from The Kitchen: The Drop with Anna Bright and Dylan Frazier.
We get two pro players sitting down to discuss any news and inside scoop going on within the pickleball world, and Anna Bright really shines.
Sometimes it feels like Anna is desperately trying to peel an onion, an onion that is Dylan Frazier, but they still make it fun, and Dylan is slowly but surely coming around to enjoying his co-hosting role.
This one is a quick one that feels like you get to jump in on a conversation between two of the world's top pickleball players, so if you're looking for a bit of a different structure this one might be a great one to try out.

The Top Ten Pickleball Podcasts
Number Five: Tennis Sucks
General Structure: Two Co-Hosts (and sometimes a guest)
Hosts: Travis Rettenmaier and Graham D'Amico
Duration: 30-45 Minutes
Pro Pickleball Player Host(s): Yes
Where To Find It: YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Staying in our top five pickleball podcasts is one that I personally listen to EVERY time they drop an episode (similar to PicklePod and Briones): The Tennis Sucks Podcast.
Pro player Travis Rettenmaier and his best friend Graham D'Amico sit down and have an awesome mix of conversation, structure and jumping right into the show with no BS fluff.
If you hate 5-10 minute intros and fluff throughout the show and instead want one that keeps you engaged all the way through, then you're going to want to give this one a listen.
This one is also great for people who want to consistent 30-45 minutes as opposed to some of these shows that come in ranging from 30-90+ minutes as Travis and Graham use their "let's get to the point" structure to keep a great consistency.

The Top Ten Pickleball Podcasts
Number Six: The McGuffin Show
General Structure: Two Co-Hosts (and usually a guest)
Hosts: Tyson McGuffin and Megan McGuffin
Duration: 20-90 Minutes
Pro Pickleball Player Host(s): Yes
Where To Find It: YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Moving into our latter five within our top ten pickleball podcasts is one that may fall within a lot of people's top five, and one I knew had to be as close to it as possible (albeit one that isn't one of my personal favorites): The McGuffin Show.
The McGuffin show is hosted by pro player Tyson McGuffin and his wife Megan McGuffin and has a good mix of professional structure and great guests - I just don't personally love the vibe of the show - as much as I love Tyson as a player.
This one already has a ton of episodes, which is another plus for those of you who like to go back and find specific topics that have already been covered and have a ton of episodes to binge if you like the show - but not necessary ground breaking considering a lot of our top ten pickleball podcasts will be discussing a lot of news as it happens, which phases out some older episodes.

The Top Ten Pickleball Podcasts
Number Seven: The James Ignatowich Show
General Structure: One Host and a Guest
Host: James Ignatowich
Duration: 20-40 Minutes
Pro Pickleball Player Host(s): Yes
Where To Find It: YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Coming in at number seven among our top ten pickleball podcasts is another one from The James Ignatowich Show.
James gets the number seven slot because he's just a ton of fun.
James and Anna Bright are dating, and she has been on the show quite a few times, but now she came in on top with her own show with Dylan Frazier, so James will have to take it up with her potentially causing him to miss the top five slots here.
This one is great if you want a fun, light hearted show that you can listen to in a quick car ride to work or if you just have 20-40 minutes and want to jump into some pickleball news and laughs.

The Top Ten Pickleball Podcasts
Number Eight: Inside MLP Podcast
General Structure: Two (to Three) Co-Hosts and a Guest
Hosts: Michelle McMahon, Tyson Apostol and Casey Patterson
Duration: 40-55 Minutes
Pro Pickleball Player Host(s): No
Where To Find It: YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Next up at number eight among our top pickleball podcasts is the Inside MLP Podcast with pickleball sportscaster Michelle McMahon, reality tv star Tyson Apostol and volleyball olympian Casey Patt.
And the only reason it say "two (to three)" co-hosts is because there is just a few times Casey can't make it to the recording of the show, but for the most part you get the whole gang and it's a great time.
Usually I prefer one to two hosts as three can get a bit crowded, especially when you consider the fact that it's interview style with a guest that makes the show bring in a fourth person each week, but the crew at Inside MLP Podcast make it work incredibly well and gel with each other perfectly.
Although you don't have a pro player as one of the hosts you still get incredible insight and, like Pickleball Studio, it's a fun way to get that other perspective on the sport while still getting all the inside news and chats with people within the pickleball world.

The Top Ten Pickleball Podcasts
Number Nine: Briones Pickleball Podcast
General Structure: Two Co-Hosts (and sometimes a guest)
Hosts: Jordon Briones and Caden Nemoff
Duration: 60-120 Minutes (Usually 90 Minutes)
Pro Pickleball Player Host(s): Yes
Where To Find It: YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Coming in at number nine among our top ten pickleball podcasts is actually one of my favorite shows: The Briones Pickleball Podcast.
I have watched Jordon Briones for a while, even with many of his videos being with Primetime Pickleball and now Jordon has his own incredible YouTube Channel and podcast that is co-hosted by another incredible player alongside him: Caden Nemoff.
They both bring the wits and fun, but Jordon acts as the structure and the one that brings in the reigns when the show goes too far into fun tangents which makes this pair (and their guests) a great show to listen to.

The Top Ten Pickleball Podcasts
Number Ten: The Pickler Podcast
General Structure: Two Co-Hosts and A Guest
Hosts: Stacy Townsend and John Davison
Duration: 40-90 (Usually 60ish Minutes)
Pro Pickleball Player Host(s): Yes
Where To Find It: YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Finishing off our list of the top ten pickleball podcasts is The Pickler Podcast with owner of The Pickler, Stacie Townsend, and pro player John Davison.
The two of them make for a great team and they also bring on some awesome guests that makes this one an obvious choice for the top ten.
You get a great mix of a pro player matched with a non pro that brings a great structure for the show, while still being extremely knowledgable - and it has that similar vibe that makes PicklePod so great as well with Zane and Thomas (who came in at number one).
The Top Ten Pickleball Podcasts
The Top Ten Pickleball Podcasts Recap:
- PicklePod Podcast
- It Feels Right
- Pickleball Studio
- The Drop
- Tennis Sucks
- The McGuffin Show
- The James Ignanowich Show
- Inside The MLP Podcast
- The Briones Pickleball Podcast
- The Pickler Podcast
The Top Ten Pickleball Podcasts Runner Ups (Other Great Options, In No Specific Order):
- Pickle Juice
- Dinking Around With Eddie and Webby
- Pickleball Fire
- One More Game
- More Or Less Pickleball
These top ten pickleball podcasts and runner ups will give you a TON of content, but as I mentioned above: I'd love to hear from you guys with some more of your favorite pickleball podcasts if you think I missed any that are deserving of making the list.
Some of these shows are fairly new, and I'm sure more will be popping up the same way shows have currently been, so on top of hearing from you guys in the comments I will also be keeping this one updated to make sure we have the top ten pickleball podcasts on here at all times and I swap out any shows that get cancelled, or any new shows that deserve a spot.
A lot of this list is based on personal preference, but I did my best to put my own preferences aside (for the most part) and still place the shows in a fair list based on entertainment, professionalism, the hosts, the vibe and more.
Even if you don't have a show (or shows) you think is deserving of making the top ten pickleball podcast list, I'd love to hear from you: what is your FAVORITE pickleball podcast?