Hudef Apex Pro Paddle Review [Power, Control, Spin, Specs]

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Hudef Apex Pro Paddle Review

The Hudef Apex Pro has made it onto my S-Tier Category among paddles on our Paddle Stats Spreadsheet because of the price point it comes in at while being such an incredible option for players looking for a solid control paddle.

On top of that, it also made it onto a handful of our paddle lists:

If that doesn't tell you what a solid choice this paddle is, I'm not sure what will, but I'm going to do my best to give you the full rundown below in each part of this review.

It's odd that the Hudef Apex Pro hasn't made it into my pickleball paddle reviews yet, but I do my best to work around the requests from you guys and prioritize the paddles you want to see first, and considering the amount of new paddles that are consistently coming it, it's sometimes hard to backtrack and get other paddles up.

But, the more I recommended the Hudef Apex Pro in other articles (as well as being a paddle I recommend within our Paddle Selection Quiz), the more I knew I needed to give it it's own full review.

Hudef Apex Pro Paddle Specs

PRICE: $89 ($75 with code THESLICE)


MATERIALS: T700 Raw Carbon Fiber Face with Polypropylene Honeycomb Core

SHAPE: Wide Body [Standard]


THICKNESS: 14mm or 16mm

WEIGHT: 7.8 - 8.3oz

LENGTH: 16.06 in

WIDTH: 7.9 in


GRIP CIRCUMFERENCE: 4.125 in (14mm) / 4.25 (16MM)

WARRANTY: Lifetime

Hudef Apex Pro Review -

Spec Discussion & Overview:

To start us off we have to start with some specs and a brief overview of what you should expect when looking into the Hudef Apex Pro.

First off, it gives you some variety, coming in at both 14MM and 16MM, and also having a smaller grip (thickness) when you go with the 14MM. 

You should expect a bit more pop and power with the 14MM, which is something that makes this one stand out even more considering this is a control paddle, not a power paddle. So having the extra option to go either further into control, or lean a little into additional power, is always extremely nice - and not something all paddles allow you to do.

You're getting a wide body face with the wide 7.9 inches and shorter 16.06 length, which gives this one a large forgiving sweet spot, and compliments the control aspect of this paddle.

This one also comes in with the T700 raw carbon fiber face we love, giving it plenty of spin to allow you to add top spin, slice and whatever else you're going to want to use to throw your opponents off.

Another perk of going with Hudef is the fact that you'll get a limited lifetime warranty, which is something that more companies, especially ones that are anywhere near this price range, will not be offering.

Hudef Apex Pro Review Score Chart

Control 95/100
Current Progress
Current Progress
Control 95/100
Power 80/100
Current Progress
Current Progress
Control 95/100
Spin 90/100
Current Progress
Current Progress
Control 95/100
My Opinion 95/100
Current Progress
Current Progress
Control 95/100
Price 100/100
Current Progress
Current Progress
Control 95/100

Hudef Apex Pro Review -

Control Review:

The Hudef Apex Pro is one of our Kings of Control.

While normally there is only one King, I do have to dub this one one of the handful of Kings in the Game of Thrones for the top control paddles.

This one came in on our list of the top five control paddles, but if we strictly base it on price point for what you get, and specifically zoom in on paddles with wide body faces and short handles (wide body, forgiving shape is generally the best for control), then this is your top dawg.

You're going to get a soft touch with this paddle, and it's a great mix with the carbon fiber face that really allows you to generate spin whenever needed.

My soft game definitely goes up when this paddle is in my hands, allowing me to add slice and top spin even when dinking, which is something that some players struggle with - but this one makes it easier.

You'll also have a nice plush feel off the face of this paddle, but it will allow you to set yourself up by playing the patient game and waiting for your moment to take advantage of a mistake from your opponent.

Hudef Apex Pro Review -

Power Review:

We know this paddle isn't a power paddle, but it is nice that you have the option to go with the 14MM option, which will add a bit more pop to your game.

If you want a control paddle, but don't need THAT much help with your soft game - then the 14MM option might be the best bet for you.

But if you have no issues generating power when you need it, then I'd recommend going with the 16MM option for the softest and most plush control feel out of this one.

Now all that said, this one doesn't have no power. It's still there when you need it, it's just not going to come flying off the paddle without a bit of a flick, punch or drive.

While some players have issues with some Gen2 thermoformed paddles for being too poppy at the net, which causes them to pop balls up and lead to unforced errors, this paddle is not thermoformed and allows you to get that softer feel.

With the 14MM option or even the 16MM coming in a bit heavier, you'll still have ample power when needed and the great spin potential on this one allows you to crush the ball from the baseline while putting top spin and sending the ball into a dive over the net as it passes by your opponents.

Hudef Apex Pro Pros And Cons

The Pros

Unbeatable Price

Incredible Control and Feel

Big Sweet Spot

Very Forgiving and Soft

Great Spin

The Cons

Not Thermoformed

Hudef Apex Pro Review -

Spin Review:

The spin on the Hudef Apex Pro is amazing.

It's not one of our Kings of Spin, but it definitely in the top category - which I rank "Very High" among paddles.

This is an RPM range that means that all players will be able to generate ample spin when it's needed - regardless of whether that is top spin on a drive, slice on a serve return or backhand dink, or even aggressive top spin dinking.

This paddle will do some of the work for you, rather than a Low-Medium Spin ranking that will need you to put in a bit more work to make anything happen.

So, for any of you spin players: don't you worry - the Hudef Apex Pro has you covered in this category as well.

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Hudef Apex Pro Review -

Price & Personal Opinion:

There's not beating this price point.

Seriously. You won't beat it for what you get.

The Hudef Apex Pro comes in at $89 $75 with code "THESLICE" making it the most affordable paddle we have among paddles within the same category and rankings.

Not only does Hudef give the biggest discount codes from it's ambassadors (like me), but they are already priced within the most competitive range they could possibly be in for their paddle quality.

I love the Hudef Apex Pro, if you couldn't tell from this review, so my personal opinion is extremely high - especially when you factor in the price point.

Now are there some paddles I would potentially purchase if money was absolutely not a factor? Sure. Which is why I gave it a 95/100 and not 100/100 on my personal opinion scoring.

Hudef Apex Pro Review -

Closing Thoughts:

I'm surprised you've made it this far in the review considering all I've said already. I would have assumed you would have seen the price, read what I had to say above, and now were already checking out with a 14MM or 16MM or even both.

That said, I love to wrap it up with some reasons why you would purchase the paddle I'm reviewing - and I also do my best to make it clear why you may not purchase (while giving some other potential options, if they make sense).

So, now you're wondering: well, why would I personally buy it? What would make me want to choose the Hudef Apex Pro.

Well, I'm glad you asked...

Who should by the Hudef Apex Pro paddle?

Here are some reasons why you would choose the Hudef Apex Pro:

  1. You want one of the best control paddles on the market for an unbeatable price.
  2. You want a wide body, forgiving, soft paddle, that can generate plenty of spin to have an unbeatable soft game.
  3. You want a paddle that beats out every competitor in the price category while still being a top paddle in tons of different categories.

If this doesn't sound like something you'd love, then the Hudef Apex Pro probably isn't for you.

If you're still on the search for the best paddle for you, and this paddle didn't necessarily seem like the BEST option, you can check out my other paddle resources here:

You'll find plenty of other resources on the site, but hopefully these will be helpful in your pickleball paddle journey.

Hudef Apex Pro Pickleball Paddle Review

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About the Author

Owner and Creator of The Slice Pickleball and Superhero Jacked
Pickleball and Caffeine Addict, Bibliophile, Writer, Dog Dad

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